Vegetable Garden Programme
The Vegetable Garden aims to produce a natural sustainable source of food to provide the GAPA kitchen with a basic-vegetable-basket in order to feed the children and seniors that come to our center with nutritious meals contributing for the community well-being and preventing illness and/or malnutrition in a long-run.
The garden has been flourishing for over 5 years. We are grateful to supporters like Tia's Arms that continue to fund this project.
GAPA Vegetable Garden aims to:
- Encourage sustainable food practice.
- Be a space of teaching and learning for seniors and children.
- Supplement the food supply for meals prepared at the center.
- Sow and harvest sufficient crops to be shared with seniors to prepare in their own households.
- Have a steady cycle that is responsive to seasonal climate changes and maintains the health of the soil.
More than 14 types of fruits and vegetables, herbs and fruit trees have been planted and the harvest is used to help feed the aftercare children and seniors at the health club. Harvest has also been shared with seniors to help them feed their families.
The vegetable garden is also a space where seniors and children are taught how to start and maintain their own gardens.
Seniors are invited to engage in workshops where these skills are shared and practiced. Seniors have gone on to start vegetable gardens in their groups and their homes.
The vegetable garden at the GAPA centre is cultivated by the groundskeeper and income generation coordinator.